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Basso, Enrico

Basso, Enrico

Università degli Studi di Torino

Graduated in History at the University of Genoa since 1985, graduated in Archival Studies, Paleography and Diplomatics at the School of the State Archive of Genoa and a Doctor of Medieval History from the Catholic University at the Sacred Heart of Milan since 1993. He has been a professor of exegesis of the Medieval historical sources at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Sassari.
He was lecturer of "Exegesis of medieval historical sources" at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Genoa and lecturer of Medieval History at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Genoa. His experience as an archivist, researcher and lecturer of medieval history led him to become a board member of several editorial committees and associations for the study of history, since 1999. In 2009, he was elected as president of the Turin Section of the International Institute for the Study of Liguria and since 2011 board member of the Council of the Society of Ligurian National History.


Basso, E. (2018): Donnos terramagnesos. Dinamiche di insediamento signorile in Sardegna: il caso dei Doria (secoli XII-XV), Acireale-Roma, Gruppo Editoriale Bonanno.

Basso, E. (2017): “Tra apogeo, crisi e trasformazioni: gli spazi economici di Genova nel Trecento fra Mediterraneo, Atlantico e Mar Nero”. In Figliuolo, B.; Simbula, P.F. (ed.): Spazi economici e circuiti commerciali nel Mediterraneo del Trecento. Amalfi: Centro di Cultura e Storia Amalfitana, pp. 185-207.

Basso, E. (2017): “Les flottes génoises dans l’Atlantique (Angleterre – Flandre) XIIe – XVe siècles”. In Balard, M. (ed.): The Sea in History. The Medieval World – La Mer dans l’Histoire. Le Moyen Âge. Woodbridge (UK) & Rochester (NY): Boydell & Brewer, pp. 225-234.

Basso, E. (2011): Strutture insediative ed espansione commerciale. La rete portuale genovese nel bacino del Mediterraneo, Cherasco, Centro Internazionale di Studi sugli insediamenti medievali (CISIM).

Basso, E. (2008): Insediamenti e commercio nel Mediterraneo bassomedievale. I mercanti genovesi dal Mar Nero all’Atlantico, Torino, Marco Valerio.