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Bunes Ibarra, Miguel Ángel de

Bunes Ibarra, Miguel Ángel de

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

He is Research Professor of the CSIC, in the department of Modern and Contemporary History. He is specialist in the analysis of the Mediterranean expansion processes from the fifteenth century to the seventeenth century, both on the Christian and the Muslim side. He has also studied the war dynamics of conflicts between Empires in this space. He was trained at the University of Istanbul and specialized in the history of the Ottoman Empire. He is able to translate from Ottoman language documents from the sultanates from Beyazit I to Mahmut III. In his career he has studied historical facts related to political history, but also economic movements originated by the peninsular and Turkish expansion during these centuries, navigation systems and trade, and studies of social minorities.

Bunes, Miguel Á. de (2015): El Imperio Otomano; 1451-1807, Madrid: Síntesis. ISBN: 978-84-9077-227-0
Bunes, Miguel Á. de; Blázquez, David (2015): Teresa de Jesús y sus fundaciones en Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Cuarto Centenario, ISBN 978-84-942669-1-1.
González Cuerva, Rubén; Bunes Ibarra, Miguel Á. de (2017): Túnez 1535, Voces de una campaña europea, Madrid, CSIC-Polifemo, ISBN 978-84-00-10207-4.
Bunes Ibarra, Miguel Á. (2013): “La expulsión de los moriscos en el contexto de la política mediterránea de Felipe III”, en Los moriscos. La Expulsión y después, Mercedes García-Arenal y Gerard Wiegers (eds), Valencia, Uni de Valencia, Uni Granada y Uni de Zaragoza, pp. 45-66, ISBN 978-84-370-9072-6
Bunes Ibarra, Miguel Á. (2013): “El Norte de África, el Mediterráneo oriental y la política con respecto a Persia (1560-1640)”, en La vecindades de las Monarquías Ibéricas, José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez coord., Madrid, FCE, pp. 213-234, ISBN 978-84-375-0681-4.