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Cuadrada Majó, Coral

Cuadrada Majó, Coral

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

I was awarded Doctor in Medieval History by the University of Barcelona in 1987, with a dissertation about the medieval history of Maresme, and I won the Iluro prize that same year. I am Senior Lecturer of Medieval History at the University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona). I also lecture at the interuniversity master's degree in Women's Studies, gender and citizenship, which I coordinate. My main research lines are international trade between the 13th – 15th Centuries, the history of medicine and the history of women. I have been principal researcher in different R & D projects. I currently am researcher at the MARC (Medical Anthropology Research Center) of the URV and the GRAMP; and also the director of the Archive of the Marquises of Santa Maria de Barberà (Vilassar de Dalt).


Cuadrada, C (2019): “Ensenyar l’art de la mercaderia medieval”, Millars, Castelló: Universitat Jaume I (en premsa). 

Cuadrada, C. (2018): “L’arxiu dels Marquesos de Santa Maria de Barberà”, en Cuadrada, C.; Garriga, M. (coords.), El Rescat de les Cent Donzelles o de Sant Esteve, Vila-seca-Tarragona: Publicacions URV, pp. 25-55. 

Cuadrada, C. (2018): “De mulierum relatione: Mujeres lulianas”, Enrahonar. An International Journal of Theoretical and Practical Reason, n. Extra, pp. 287-298. 

Cuadrada, C. (2015): “Marginalidad y Otredad en Cataluña (siglos XIV-XVI)”, En la España Medieval, 38, pp. 57-97. 

Cuadrada, C. (2015): “Aportaciones a la visión de la pobreza en la baja edad media”, Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, 28, pp. 275-301.