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Del Popolo, Martina

Del Popolo, Martina

Universitat de Barcelona

She has a Degree in classical Philology at the University of Catania (Italy) and Master in History at the University of Palermo (Italy). She is currently doing her PhD in Medieval Cultures at the University of Barcelona in co-supervision with the University of San Marino. Her PhD dissertation, supervised by Daniel Piñol Alabart (University of Barcelona) and Vittoria Fiorelli (Suor Orsola Benincasa University), is focused on the dowry of Isabel de Castilla in Sicily and Catalonia from the institutional and economic point of view. She is a fellow of the Department of History of the University of San Marino and participates in the projects "Private archives: more documents for History. Edition of sources and historical research (HAR2012-33755)" and "Women of the Iberian Monarchies: Paradigms Institutional, political agencies and cultural models: MUNARQAS (PGC2018-099205-B-C22) ".


Del Popolo, M. (2016): Un’abbazia contesa: la vicenda di Santa Maria di Roccadia tra il 1491 ed il 1495, en «Archivio Storico Siracusano», 48: 89-128.

Del Popolo, M. (2017): “La Secrezia e i porti della Camera reginale: Siracusa e Lentini nel 1493- 1494”, en P. Travagliante - M. Leonardi (edd.), Qui si trova la chiave per comprendere il tutto. Aspetti storici della Sicilia dall’età medievale all’età contemporanea, Algra Editore, Catania, pp. 105-116.

Del Popolo, M. (2019): “Conflitti per la gestione delle risorse acquifere nella comarca dell’Urgell (XII-XV secolo)”, en M. Leonardi (ed.), L’uomo e Le acque neLLa storia e nella cultura euromediterranea: aspetti inediti di una civilizzazione plurimillenaria (secc. VII a. C.- XX) Algra Editore, Catania, pp. 75-86.

Del Popolo, M. (2019): “La Camera reginalis de Isabel la Católica en Sicilia y Cataluña”, en N. Fernández Cadenas, P. M. Pellitero (ed.), Economía y política en el Mundo Hispánico a través de la historia: raíces, desarrollo y proyección, Universidad de León: Servicio de Publicaciones, León, pp. 115-128.