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Orlandi, Ángela

Orlandi, Ángela

Università di Firenze

I obtained my grade in Economics at the University of Florence. I am PhD in Economic History and researcher in the same discipline at the Faculty of Economics of Turin. I currently work as an associate professor in the Department of Economics and Business Sciences of Florence.
My scientific interests have been oriented mainly towards the presence and role of Italian economic operators in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, trying to introduce elements for thought in the international debate on the concept of network understood as means for interpreting commercial techniques. My research interests are also focused on the presence of Tuscan colonies in the most important economic centers, their insertion in the Mediterranean and Atlantic trade, and the legal-economic relations with the local realities.
I am also interested in public finances in the sixteenth century in France and the extensive and important financial activity that Italian merchants carried out in the Catalan-Aragonese region between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.


Orlandi, A., (2018): “Ibiza entre el Mediterráneo, el Atlántico y el Mar del Norte (siglos XIV y XV)”. EHumanista, 38, 48-64.
Orlandi, A. (2016): “Tuscan merchants in Andalusia: a historiographical debate”. European Review of History, 23, 3, 347-366.
Orlandi, A. (2016): “Le prestazioni di una holding tardo medievale rilette attraverso alcune teorie di management e la Social Network Analysis”. In Innovare nella Storia Economica: temi, metodi, fonti, Roma, 10-11 ottobre 2014, Prato: Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini", 117-148.
Orlandi, A. (2016): “Aspetti del movimento finanziario in area aragonese nella documentazione mercantile toscana (secoli XIV-XV). Un caso di studio: l'andamento dei cambi tra Barcellona, Valenza e Palma di Maiorca”. In Identidades urbanas, Corona de Aragon-Italia. Redes economicas, estructuras institucionales, funciones politicas (siglos XIV-XV), Zaragoza: PUS, 309-326.
Orlandi, A. (2016): “Ciudades y aldeas del Nuevo Mundo en los documentos de los mercaderes y viajeros italianos del Quinientos”. Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 73, 45-64.